
Noel was born at 23 weeks - 1 lb 5 oz, she spent 7 months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit ( NICU ) receiving treatment for a range of issues from PDA ( Patent Ductus Arterious ) heart valve, NEC ( Necrotizing Enterocolilitis ) death of intestinal tissue a life threatning disease, IVH brain hemmorages.

Noel beat the odds of all these disease's. Being born so early, so tiny, so fragile, she developed ROP Stage 5 w/ plus disease ( retinopathy of prematurity ) a disease of the retina's. ROP occurs when abnormal blood vessels grow and spread throughout the retina, the tissue that lines the back of the eye. These abnormal blood vessels are fragile and can leak, scarring the retina and pulling it out of position. This causes a retinal detachment. Retinal detachment is the main cause of visual impairment and blindness in ROP.

Noel has had several eye surgeries in her 16 months of life, the last one done in Detroit, Michigan by Dr Trese ( well known opthamologist ) We traveled 900 miles one way too see this specialist who performed yet another Vitrectomy on Noel, his news was not good. The surgeries are not working. Noel has had all of her previous surgeries at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD.

The stemcell treatment could give Noel a chance to see,we are willing to take her anywhere in the world to give her the best possible chance.

Previous Patients




Most cells in the body have a specific
function in particular organs, such as the
liver, skin or brain. Stem cells are
relatively undifferentiated and still have the
ability to develop into different types of
cells to exert different functions.
A stem cell's most notable characteristic is
its ability to reproduce a completely new,
normal, and even younger cell. As a result,
people can use their own or someone else’s
stem cells, or stem cell-derived tissues or
organs, to replace ill or aging tissues or
organs. This permits treatment of a wide
range of diseases and injuries, many of
which cannot be treated with traditional
medical method

Besides reproducing new cells and
providing cell replacement, an equally
important function of the stem cells is to
provide the body with cell factors to help to
encourage the following functions:
1. Immune regulation
2. Reducing cell death
3. Stimulation the differentiation of the
patient’s own stem cells
4. Neo-angiogenesis (the growth of
blood vessels resulting in increased
blood flow to damaged areas)
5. Reducing scarring
6. Improving the effective conduction of
intercellular electrical signals and