

"God gives special children to special people"
"God doesn't give us more than we can handle"
"It could be worse"
"Aww she is so sleepy "
These are some of the comments people make to me....ALL the time.

I did not ask to be special. I am very, very aware that "it could be worse." I am SO tired of these statements. I know people say them because...they don't know what else to say and they feel the need to fill the quiet void with random canned phrases.

"Its just her eyes." Are you kidding me? They have NO idea that my child is delayed because she cannot see the toy to roll over. Why do "normal" babies crawl? Because they want something. Noel isn't crawling, scooting,etc. because she does not know what is there.

The people who have helped me the most are those who have been the ones to not say a word. They know that they are not in my shoes. They don't try to be. They just listen, be there, and allow me to feel what I am feeling. I must process this. Each day is a journey. Each day there is something new.

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