
Not so Happy Holidays

Noel had her first ever seizure on December 10 , 2013. This was one of the scariest times of my life, she was unresponsive and very pale.I scooped her up and put her in the car off to the hospital we went.

I ran inside with her limp body laying over my shoulder and yelled for someone to help me, the nurse came running and took her from me and ran her back to the trauma room. As Noel laid there my worst fears were going thru my mind, please God just help this child she has been thru so much already. The doctors decided to intubate her so she could breath and send her to Children's Hospital in DC.

Here we sit going on day five in the pediatric intensive care unit, Noel was diagnosed with RSV , she has been running fevers of 104 to 105 daily and on 100% oxygen. As of  now we don't know when we will be going home as Noel is very sick. We pray that we can be home by Christmas so that we can all be together as a family.

Please keep Noel in your prayers


Its been a while, but Im back

I haven't been around in a while, believe it or not I'm one busy lady. I'm so happy Noel has started back to school and so is she.

We have also added a baby sister to the family as well 

Meet Faith 

I promise to be back more and update life- we are getting into a good routine and adjusting, its still hectic but its our life as we know it.