

I wrote to Chobani two weeks ago and they are just awesome people over there. This is a yogurt that Noel just loves and I feel great feeding it to her because of all the nutritional benefits.

The breakdown:
  • Calories: 140
  • Total fat: 0
  • Cholesterol: 0
  • Total carbohydrate: 21g
  • Sugar: 19g
  • Protein 14g
  • Calcium: 15% (DV)
  • Gluten free and kosher, according to chobani.com

Chobani sent us 2 cases of yogurt directly to our house ( they will go fast ) at 2 at meal time. I'd love to show you a picture of Noel eating it, but she is quite a mess when she eats, she ends up with food all over her , me or whoever is feeding her, as well as tears the whole shabang.

Noel has issues eating period, she doesn't like anything in her mouth. Everything that we do feed Noel is pureed , how about that Whopper Meal pureed * gross *. Noel has an appointment with a feeding clinic this month, I'm excited but scared at the same time, this feeding clinic could be inpatient for her and that means she could stay there without me for up to 3 months. Brings back a rush of memories driving to and from Baltimore, Md when the triplets were born, but i know that she desperately needs this intense feeding clinic and Mommy is gonna do whats best, whether its writing a awesome company like Chobani or driving 2 hours one way to see my baby girl on the weekends.

I'd climb mountains to do what I need to do to give her  the best shot at succeeding in life.