

I guess you can say ive been guilty of this too - stareing at a person or child that we see as not normal - blind, deaf , handicapped in some way. Now that i have a child like that it hurts me to see people stare.
Yesterday i was at my regular ob appointment and in walked a mother and her daughter whom was blind ( maybe 14-16 years old ) her mom holding her hand the whole time and telling her where to go, she had the traditional black sunglasses on. The stares people give her - and when the receptionist asked " Her name " to the mother im thinking why didnt she ask the daughter just because she is blind doesnt mean she cant answer a question.
Anyways as i sat there listening to this mom fill out the paper work for her daughter, her daughter was concerned about her mom going back with her to see the doctor - she wanted to ask the doctor something but didnt want her mom to get mad, all i could think about was it was probably birth control or something, she kept telling her mom " i want to ask the doctor something but i dont want you to get mad at me mom - do you promise you wont get mad? My heart melted - wow , this is what my mom probably went thru and what I will go thru too when my daughters get to that age.
The stares really bother me, and like i said before Ive been guilty of this too but i dont want this for my child.